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An annual tradition now in its 69th year, Caltech's Staff Service & Impact Awards celebrate our outstanding community of staff members and the important work they do to advance the mission of the Institute.

Service awards are presented in recognition of length of service, with the first award bestowed at the 10-year mark. This year, we will honor more than 200 staff members—with service ranging from 10 to 55 years—for their on-the-job excellence and commitment to Caltech.

Through the Thomas W. Schmitt Annual Staff Prize, Caltech also honors a staff member whose contributions embody the values and spirit that enable the institute to achieve excellence in research and education.

The Team Impact Award recognizes and rewards those teams that make significant contributions to the work and mission of the Institute. Teams who receive the award should be able to demonstrate that their work impacted and supported the research and/or education programs at the Institute.

The 69th Annual Staff Service & Impact Awards
May 23, 2024, 10AM
Beckman Auditorium

View our map for campus parking.

View the livestream on May 23, 2024 at 10AM